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Delivery Area

Some of you have asked where do we actually deliver and what are the charges. Here you go.
You might ask why do we go to X, but not to Y. Usually it’s all about time. We more often than not have one driver only. As long as he has to deliver somewhere along the A30, we are safe (until we get the dreaded four riders of apocalypse – an order from Hayle, another from Portreath, then Four Lanes and Wheal Rose. Though even Four Lanes and then Portreath can sometimes get us late everywhere… The general rule of a thumb is – go to google maps, check the drive time from your address to us (TR147DD) and if it’s more than 13 minutes, we cannot afford to send the driver to you unless we really want to be late to everybody else…

Why don’t we provide free delivery, or why is it so expensive?
Well I know how weird it sounds, but every single time myself or our drivers go to the petrol station, those damn people ask money for it! And if that wasn’t enough, right now (October 2021) they want exactly 50% more than when the first lockdown started, which is when we set up the prices. Can you imagine? The audacity of those garage workers… And if that was not enough, the drivers! The cheeky buggers refuse to deliver pizza for free, believe it or not. So… yeah. Petrol prices and driver shortage. Those two things, mostly.

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